Political Fantasy Football Team Name Ideas for 2024 – Trump, Biden, & More

Updated on March 4th, 2024 by Brad Perniciaro
Political Fantasy Football Team Names
Over 10 Cheat Sheet War Room voters have contributed to the creation and ranking of these Political Fantasy Football Team Names.
Submission Rules
Submit unlimited name ideas, subject to an approval process. I'll create custom logos for the best names.
Voting Rules
Vote for your favorite names up to 3 times.

In these divided times, it’s important that all Americans remember what truly matters: your fantasy football team. What better way to show your patriotism than through melding politics and football fandom in a thoughtful yet ridiculous pun?

These are some of the funniest original political fantasy football team names you can find. But will they change the world?

Yes. Yes, they probably will. 

The Best Political Fantasy Football Team Names

  1. Sleepy Joe's Sniffers
  2. Red Wave
  3. The Bumbling Bidens
  4. Oval Offense
  5. Ball Deagles
  6. Zeker of the House
  7. Hail Mary to the Chief
  8. Law of the Courtland
  9. Michael Gallup Polls
  10. Fitz More Years
  11. Four Moore Years
  12. The Brady Bill Gunslingers
  13. Vladimir Putin’s Chatbots
  14. Election Steelers
  15. Sweepy Joe
  16. Bidentures
  17. Biden Our Time
  18. Tennesee Bidens
  19. Broadway Joe Biden
  20. 46ers

Political Fantasy Football Team Names From Readers

Sleepy Joe's Sniffers

Submitted by Jack
2 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Red Wave

1 Votes
Max 3 votes.

The Bumbling Bidens

Submitted by Jay
0 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Oval Offense

0 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Suggest a Political Fantasy Football Team Name

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Best Political Fantasy Football Team Names

Ah, politicians. The rag-tag gang of multi-millionaires that have bravely defend the American people from the billionaires. Or is it the other way around?

In honor of our endlessly entertaining turmoil, here is my list of the best fantasy football political names for 2024.

Ball Deagles

Zeker of the House

Hail Mary to the Chief

Law of the Courtland

Michael Gallup Polls

Fitz More Years

Four Moore Years

The Brady Bill Gunslingers

This idea gets dark if you think about it too hard. This political team name is not for everyone.

Vladimir Putin’s Chatbots

2016 was the year that Putin won the championship in his Fantasy Election League.

Vladimir Putin Fantasy Team Name

Election Steelers

We dedicated an entire article to Steelers fantasy football names. If you’re a fan of the Steel Curtain, you have to check it out.

Suggest a Political Fantasy Football Team Name

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Joe Biden Fantasy Football Team Names

The best thing about Joe Biden’s administration is the return to disliking the president for normal, boring reasons.

Sweepy Joe


Biden Our Time

Tennesee Bidens

Broadway Joe Biden


Political Fantasy Football Team Name Generator

Political Fantasy Football Team Names From Writers & The Community

Kamala Harris Fantasy Team Names

Kamala Harris has already set a lot of historic precedents. Give her a few more years and let’s see if she adds historic president to the list.

Kamala Outta Love

Kamall In

Kamala Back Girl

Kamala Chameleon

Harris the Dog that Bit You

Donald Trump Fantasy Football Names

Trump may not be president, but he isn’t going away any time soon.


Or Mar-a-La-Go-Fuckyrself if that’s more your speed.

Hamberder Bankwet

Unpresidented Presidents

Donald Trump’s “unpresidented” typo is an unprecedented self-burn.

The Trumpteenth Time

Locker Room Talkers

Christian McCovfefe

The Bad Hombres

Trump’s Impish Mints

Trump University All-Americans

I assume the Trump University football team was just the children of former sitcom stars that paid for their roster spots.

Grab Her in the Pelosi

If you like dirty team names, check out our full collection of NSFW fantasy football names.

White House Fantasy Football Team Names

In honor of the classiest sleepover destination in America, here are some funny patriotic team names for 2024.

The Wentz House

D-Wats’ House

The James White House

The Tite House

At first, I thought about spelling that “Tit House.” I didn’t, because I don’t believe that would make anyone think about either the Titans or the White House.

Conservative Fantasy Football Team Names

Here are some conservative fantasy names that even the staunchest Trump supporters could support.

Basket of Deplorables

Christian McConnell

Fitz McConnell

Breitbardener Minshnews

Saq News

Saq, like fake, or the first part of Saquon.

Liberal Fantasy Football Team Names

For our leftie, commie friends, I present political fantasy names that you can use without the fear of being triggered. For the intellectual elite among you, check out our list of political trivia team names.

Blue Wave

The Resistance

The Squad Squad

Alexandria Ocasio Courtland

Both AOC and Courtland Sutton are solid breakout picks for next season.

Nancy PeloSeahawk


Ruth Beckham Ginsburg Jr.

Bernie Mittens

Bear-nie Sanders

Feel the Bearn.

Bernie Sanders Political TeamName

Buttigieg Rush

If your opponents can pronounce Gieg Rush correctly, then you play in a smart league. We’ve got more high-brow name ideas in our full list of fantasy football league names.

Ertzlizabeth Warren

Odell Bloomberg Jr.


Yang Gang

If you were a gross person, you could even do Yang Gang Bang. But I’d never suggest anything as uncouth as that.

Political Chiefs Fantasy Football Team Names

Before this recent run, it had been three impeachments since the Chiefs were in the Super Bowl.

Chiefs Justice

Hail to the Chiefs

Commander in Chiefs

If the Chiefs are your tribe, you’ll love our K.C. Chiefs fantasy football names.

Tyreeker of the House

Tyreek Capitol Hill

Check out our full list of fantasy team name ideas for Tyreek Hill.

Mitch Mahomell

MAGA Fantasy Football Team Names

Is it just me, or does MAGA sound like some kind of advanced metric? Like, McConnell leads all Senators in MAGA this season.


Make Fantasy Football Great Again

Bake America Great Again

Make Amari Great Again

Mike America Great Evans

Make America Gurley II

Get it? II instead of Again?

Mark America Great II

It’s never a good sign if you have to ask “get it?” afterward.

Political Fantasy Football Team Names From Readers

Sleepy Joe's Sniffers

Submitted by Jack
2 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Red Wave

1 Votes
Max 3 votes.

The Bumbling Bidens

Submitted by Jay
0 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Oval Offense

0 Votes
Max 3 votes.

Funny Political Fantasy Football Team Names From Other Sites

These are some of the most popular political fantasy football team names from around the web.

Yes We Cam

Lockett Her Up!

Trumpty Dance

Trump Train

Make America Gronk Again

For more Gronk-related team names, check out our 61+ Patriots Fantasy Football Team Names.

About the author

Brad Perniciaro

Brad is a software developer and has been running successful fantasy football leagues since 1999. When he isn't playing fantasy football, he's writing about fantasy football.


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